News & Notice
Principal Message

Warm greetings to one and all
I would like to pen down a few words about my college. Our college belongs to Jalgaon District Maratha Vidhya Prasarak Co-op Samaj’s, Jalgaon which has rich academic tradition in Yawal, Dist Jalgaon(M.S). Arts,Commerce, and Science college, yawal was established in 1983. The college is affiliated to the Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharasthra University (M.S). The college is granted by the University Grand Commision (U.G.C) under 2(f). As an important rural educational centre , presently the college consist of junior(Arts, Science and M.C.V.C) and Senior College wings with U.G ( B.A, B.Com, B. Sc ),Research and carieer orientented.
I am happy person, as management, teaching as well as non teaching staff, stakeholder and students are rendering their whole hearted support and co-operation to make the college the center of excellence.